You are capable of more than you think. We’ll show you.
Duncan Bone- NASM CPT, PES and Nutrition Coach
I can remember as an eight year old boy going into the weight room while my dad was coaching the football team and picking up my first dumbbell. They were five pounds and I could curl those suckers like there was no tomorrow. The athletes around me, all about a decade older were hootin and hollarin at my incredible strength.
It wasn't until years later that I saw a the significance of moments like that in my life. Because of association, I was surrounded by encouragement and a fitness culture. After becoming a personal trainer I realized most people do not have that same privilege. In fact, they have a hostile environment for healthy progress. I saw a need.
The internet is full of workout programs and diets. What people need is help establishing the thinking and lifestyle habits that create the successful health and wellness environment. Learn how to lead yourself in your fitness thinking and you'll be amazed at how that translate into leading in all areas of your life.